Your Legal Advantage Has Arrived!
Join us for four powerful 90-minute sessions with top notch music attorneys. Answering your questions on songwriting & publishing, copyrights, collab agreements & reviewing sync deals. You will walk out of this workshop series fully informed and ready to negotiate in the music licensing world... while fully protecting your rights!
Accomplished Entertainment Lawyers
Every workshop is with a top-notch music attorney. You'll get decades of experience on your side to help you understand all of the most important legal concepts involved with sync.
Giving You The Advantage!
You'll learn what to expect in music licensing legal agreements, and know what your rights are in negotiations. Be ready for business whether it's in the studio or in an agency office.
Live Instruction On Zoom
Ask questions as they come up for you through Zoom's chat functionality. Each workshop will also have an open Q&A portion where you can ask questions directly!
About Sync It! Music
"We want to see you land more licenses than ever in 2022. Sync It! was founded to provide vital education and resources for independent artists, songwriters and producers so they can truly thrive in today's modern licensing marketplace...and more than anything we're in the business of helping you reach your dreams in music so that you can feel authentically creative, build an audience AND make the living you want and deserve!"
John Clinebell & Sonnet Simmons
Owners of Sync It! & Founders of Licensing Basecamp